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Maps - Azeroth - Eastern Kingdoms -
Dun Morogh (1-30)

Click on an the New Tinkertown or Coldridge Valley areas to go to a more detailed map of those areas.

Coldridge Pass, Frostmane Front, Ironforge Airfield, Kharanos, Amberstill Ranch, Gol'Bolar Quarry, Frostmane Hold, Gates of Ironforge, Coldridge Valley, New Tinkertown, Shimmer Ridge, The Tundrid Hills, Helm's Bed Lake, North Gate Outpost, Iceflow Lake

You will need to go into the New Tinkertown subzone to discover New Tinkertown and Iceflow Lake. When you first go into the Chillbreeze Valley it will flash "New Tinkertown Chillbreeze Valley" because you are in that subzone. And if you look at the map the New Tinkertown subzone is all uncovered. But even though the map is uncovered you still have to go close enough to New Tinkertown and Iceflow Lake to discover them for the achievment.