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Maps - Azeroth - Kalimdor - Uldum

Akhenet Fields, 
        Khartut's Tomb, Mar'at, Neferset City, Obelisk of the Stars, Orsis, 
        Ruins of Ahmtul, Schnottz's Landing, Temple of Uldum, Nahom, 
        The Gate of Unending Cycles, The Trail of Devastation, Ramkahen, 
        The Cradle of the Ancients, Lost City of the Tol'vir, Vir'naal Dam, 
        Obelisk of the Moon, Obelisk of the Sun, Ruins of Ammon, 
        Tahret Grounds, The Cursed Landing, Tombs of the Precursers,

Neferset City on the list is just labeled Neferset on the map (bottom center)