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Maps - Azeroth - Eastern Kingdoms - Eversong Woods (1-30)

Sunstrider Isle, West Sanctum, North
            Sanctum, Farstrider Retreat, Diskwither Grounds, The Living Wood, The Scorched Grove, 
            Azurebreeze Coast, Goldenbough Pass, Runestone Falithas, saltheril's Haven, Thuron's 
            Livery, Zeb'Watha, Ruins of Silvermoon, Sunsail Anchorage, East Sanctum, Stillwhisper 
            Pond, Fairbreeze Village, Tor'Watha, Silvermoon City, Elrendar Falls, Lake Elrendar, 
            Runstone Shan'dor, Golden Strand, Tranquil Shore

Silvermoon City just labeled Silvermoon on map